Below is a link to a The Inclusive Class Podcast on Differentiated Learning featuring Carolyn Coil.
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Everything you need to know about Differentiated Instruction!
(CNN) – American educators have struggled for more than 40 years to define giftedness. Yet even now, there is no universally agreed upon definition of what it means to be gifted. U.S. federal law defines gifted students as those who perform or who show promise of performing at high levels in any one of five categories: general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, creative or productive thinking, leadership ability or visual/performing arts.
- Bloom’s Taxonomy (old or new)
- Tomlinson’s Equalizer
- Concept-based Teaching.
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Successful Teaching in the Differentiated Classroom |
Coil presents the most comprehensive, practical resource you will need to successfully implement the concept of differentiation in your classroom. Following a brief overview of the components and a teacher self - assessment awareness checklist, are chapters with reproducibles, forms, and practical examples for administrators, teachers, students, and parents:
- Flexible Grouping
- Curriculum Compacting
- Independent/Individualized Work - learning centers, resident experts, contracting, anchoring activities
- Learning Profiles
- Product Differentiation
- Strategies: ILP™, Tic-Tac-Toe, Tiering, Encounter Lessons, Technology, Mentors, Mini-classes, Literature circles, Questivities™
- Differentiated Assessment - rubrics, criteria cards, tiering
- Special Groups
- Special Needs
- District and Schoolwide Planning
Use this resource in the school and college classroom, with professional learning communities, as a study group resource, and in staff development workshops. The CD includes customizable WORD files of forms and handouts for teacher and student. Written by Carolyn Coil.